Do I Want A Coach?

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an executive, in-between jobs, a student or just someone to test out your business ideas, you will certainly need the help of a coach.
Run through this set of questions and reflect on whether or not you would benefit from professional help. There is no score, just run through these questions and have a think about how you will succeed if you had professional help.
Do you:
Have trouble setting and achieving goals and objectives?
Need someone to have a concerned overview of your plans?
Need to cut through mental blocks and fears?
Have a problem with clutter, both real and mental?
Struggle to meet financial security and independence?
Find it hard to strike a balance between business and personal life?
Find it difficult to make key decisions and designing strategies?
Need to learn how to communicate more powerfully and effectively?
Have trouble maintaining relationships?
Find yourself blocked by a glass ceiling and can’t grow further?
Making an important life transition?
Trying to get yourself out of a rut?
Trying to grow a new business?
Wonder how do people achieve so much with so little?
Just want to get more organised?
Need someone to help you meet your goals and targets?
Ready to have a chat? Book a free 30min trial session with Jennifer below.